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Wisdom Courses
Free Online Courses Impart Practical Wisdom

The dynamic wisdom courses below bring together the best of the Internet with heart and mind expanding materials designed to inspire your wisdom and expand your awareness of all that is happening in our lives and world.

The journey through these free courses will support you in feeling more connected, in more fully experiencing life in all its richness, and in making a difference in our world.

I just wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to have found this course. What a HUGE gift it has been for me! I am healing in ways I had no hope of healing.  ~~  Brian E.

Personal Growth

The Wisdom Courses

The powerful lessons in these wisdom courses contain thought-provoking essays, quotes from some of the greatest thinkers ever, beautiful photos, moving online videos, and empowering exercises designed to inspire and bring greater understanding and deeper meaning to your life. Read rave reviews of those who completed a course to see the value provided. Deepen your wisdom and treat yourself to this treasure chest of inspiration and education.

Note: Read rave reviews of those who completed a course to see the value provided. Then see our quick guide to help you decide which wisdom course is best for you. We also have a popular section filled with some of the most inspiring videos available on the Internet. And explore also the section filled with engaging educational videos revealing major cover-ups.

The Inspiration Course
Opening to Love and Inspiring Deeper Connections

For those who choose to focus largely on love and inspiration, every page of the heart-expanding Inspiration Course will touch, move, and inspire you to open to more love and deeper connections in your life. With all of the violence and sensationalism in the media today, this course is like a fresh mountain breeze, or like drinking water from a pure mountain lake – so rich and fulfilling! You will be uplifted and transformed by seeing humanity at its very best.

While the other courses described below include materials on the challenging aspects of our lives and world sometimes referred to as the shadow, the Inspiration Course focuses almost exclusively on the lighter side. In these lessons you will find some of the most loving, inspiring essays, videos, quotes, and empowering exercises available on the Internet. If you are ready to be deeply moved and inspired, click the link below.

The Inspiration Course

I want everyone I know to explore this beautiful course! I thank God and the Universe for this incredible opportunity. This course was a divine gift! Thank you for every lesson! It's difficult to find words. I'm so grateful to have found this course! Love to you all!!!
  ~~   Erika B. in Brazil on completing the Inspiration Course

The Hidden Knowledge Course
Shining Light on the Shadow Aspects of Our World

The Hidden Knowledge Course is designed for those who want to dive into the deep cover-ups and hidden manipulations going on behind the scenes in our world. This information-packed course inspires readers to make a difference and build a better world, yet unlike the other courses here, the focus is largely on exploring and exposing all that is hidden and secret in our world.

This eye-opening course is careful to present only reliable material which can be verified using links provided to respected sources. Those who complete the course will have a broad understanding of the role of the power elite and how their plans often adversely impact life for the majority of people in our world. Note that both courses listed below this include and interweave all material from the Inspiration Course and the Hidden Knowledge Course, though from differing viewpoints.

The Hidden Knowledge Course

The course was a thorough eye opener and no less so a heart opener. It has helped strengthen my conviction that change is all but upon us and that it will be for the better.
  ~~   Alon W. on completing the Hidden Knowledge Course

The Insight Course
Be the Change You Want To See in the World

Are you ready to be the change you want to see in your life and in our world? If the answer is yes, the Insight Course was designed for you. This free, online course brings together the best of the Internet to both inspire and educate you in a dynamic and powerful way. The journey through the course will enhance your awareness and provide tools enabling you to build a better life and world.

The engaging Insight Course includes all materials in both the Inspiration Course and Hidden Knowledge Course, masterfully interweaving the light, inspiring aspects of life with empowering information and exercises which invite us to look at the challenging sides of ourselves and our world. Course lessons will deepen your insight, expand your horizons, and embolden you to be the change you want to see in the world. To begin this rich and exciting journey, click below.

The Insight Course

I am floored with this course. You have marvelously balanced what you know. Unapologetically you weave the positive with the true negatives. Amazing content but, more important even: amazingly coherent and clear and straight and uncompromised vision. Wow! Thank you.
  ~~   Clare K. on completing the Insight Course

The Transformation Course
Building Bridges to Expanded Consciousness

Have you ever felt that one of the main reasons you are here is to help transform our planet to a new way of living based on love and empowerment? Do you recognize that there is a divine essence in every person, and that as beautiful manifestations of the divine, all people deserve our love and support to be the best they can be? If so, the transformation course may be the choice for you.

Like the Insight Course, this profound course includes all materials in both the Inspiration Course and Hidden Knowledge Course. It harmonizes the light and inspiring aspects of life with the more challenging shadow sides of existence and creates a beautiful synthesis which transcends duality. Unlike the more secular Insight Course, the Transformation Course packages all of this rich material in a deep spiritual context. To begin this enlightening journey, click the link below.

The Transformation Course

When I started the course I couldn't possibly have known how powerful this experience would be! For the first time in my life I know exactly what I want from life. I was surprised to find deep revelations and emotional processes I have been hiding from myself. All of the topics are very close to my heart and I found great motivation in studying. You have done an enormous amount of work gathering this information and presenting it in such a coherent and positive way. Thank you for your work and for making it possible to do this course online. I have been searching for something like this for many years.
   ~~ Emil in Finland on the Transformation Course

This course is beyond price! It helped me realize that it is actually okay (and safe) to love everyone. That was a really powerful insight for me. Thank you.  ~  Ursula D.

Explore a list of lesson titles for each wisdom course.
See our quick guide to help you decide which course is best for you.
Read rave reviews of those who completed a course.

If you have time for only one lesson, see this page for the one most highly praised. Thanks for taking the time to read about these dynamic wisdom courses. Whether or not you decide to explore further, we wish you a rich and empowering journey through life filled with ever more meaning and wisdom.

The wisdom course websites are part of the PEERS empowerment network

"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"